
Rings2Your Marriage Ceremony is the most important part of your Wedding Day. Making promises, exchanging vows and declaring your love in the presence of family and friends is a special life event.
My aim is to help you create a happy and memorable Wedding Day. I achieve this by ensuring that you receive the type of Ceremony that you want, and it is delivered in a professional, sincere and warm manner. Planning and customisation allow the Ceremony to flow smoothly, holding everyone’s interest, yet remaining very personal and intimate.
You may like to have a simple ceremony or a wedding extravaganza.  I have guided hundreds of couples through the process, and I can make it very easy for you.

  • I have a selection of introductions, vows and readings you can choose from.
  • You may like to fully customise your Ceremony, include themes, rituals or symbolism (eg blending of the sands) using some creativity to individualise the ceremony.
  • Perhaps you would like to answer some questions and provide them to me so I can help entwine some of your “story” into your ceremony.
  • You may like to include children, mention lost loved ones, and acknowledge those important to you.
  • And once we have finalised the draft, you will receive a copy of your chosen Ceremony,
  • and your Marriage Certificate will be in calligraphy.